Monday, May 01, 2006

Another deadline comes and goes

13:24 May 01 |

THE HAGUE, BELGRADE -- Yet another deadline given by the European Union for the extradition of Ratko Mladic has come and gone.

Serbian Prime Miniser Vojislav Kostunica has failed to make good on his promise to the Hague Tribunal and Brussels that Hague fugitive Ratko Mladic would be arrested and extradited by the end of April. When Serbia-Montenegro was being threatened with the suspension of its discussions with the EU one month ago, the EU's Enlargement Commissioner Olli Rehn said, after discussions with the Hague's Chief Prosecutor Carla Del Ponte, that Serbia has until April 30 to extradite Mladic, and that Kostunica gave him assurances that this would happen.

Now, Brussels is warning that this is the last possible moment for actions and concrete results, and that all further stabilisation and association talks between the EU and Serbia will be ended if nothing is done reagrding this matter. Rehn said that there is no more time left for excuses and that Serbia has been given more than enough time to find Mladic. Serbian officials have yet to give any official statements regarding the end of this deadline and the lack of results.

(much in the spirit of Milosevic, Mladic selfishly holds Serbia hostage
as EU talks come to a halt until his arrest)

Del Ponte will be talking with European senior officials regarding Belgrade's cooperation with the Hague on May 3, after which a decision will be made on the further progress of talks between the EU and Serbia-Montenegro.

B92's Hague correspondant Ljubica Gojgic said that the Tribunal has yet to issue an official statement on the end of the deadline, and has stated that there wil be no public comments made until May 3. Despite the lack of official statements, the disspointment of the Hague officials is evident. One fact that increased the optimism regarding Mladic's arrest in The Hague was that no one from within Prime Minister Kostunica's cabinet denied the announcements that Kostunica had made a promise that Mladic would be extradited by May.


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